Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life is funny huh.....

Would we grow up?
If yes, when is it?
If no, why is it?

Damn....this shiznit question really bothers my chillin time....this is all cuz of the effing situation happen in my hood. It goes this way.....while i was chillax with my niggaz suddenly we heard some voice cracking up da thin air and the empty sky.....Whuttadily? i axe....then we saw some fucking wanksta is having a lame scrap.....i dunno whats da reason....then i heard this wanksta yelling at the other wanksta and while others stopping them. Now i can see that one of da wanksta is from the other hood...he try to skool the other nigga....then a thug pull those two wanksta to a room....after a few minutes those jigga come out and one of them yell to warn the wanksta to watch out if he meet him out of his hood....then he bust a line that catch my ears....."i am the stdnt of #$%^&*(!#@!%^&) and those scrap isnt my shit" sku me.....u come to others hood and you claim that bo janglin' isnt ur shit.....and his homies act diss by saying he didnt afraid of the neighborhood....this happen a few hours ago......

The thing that make me feel this life is funny is, isnt tht lame scrap suppose to end when u finish ur scondary skool? it is not that we cannot have 1.....but i think it is funny that we act like a lil kid by doing so....hey come on wake up, we are a tertiary level students....havent we grow yet?if we have grow, that is the best solution we have? if we haven't when are we going to? hmmmmm how funny life is we are supposely able to think wisely now.....but we are going back to the time where we are so stupid that everything is about im not mad or sad but i feel funny to see people act like children or even worst like an animal that only know how to fight.....please clear my doubt about life


MohdIzwan said...

I saw the scene too...

nway...the language used is...ermm...what to say...alien gk la bg aku....(english vocab aku rendah)

btw..nice post...
We will grow up after this... ^_^

Junx said...

learn the nigga slang bro....its fuckng cool man

MohdIzwan said...

yeah...u're good on that... :P

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